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Welcome to LGBT Struggles.

Chris and Rodney are two gay men who first met at a meeting in Paris in the mid 2000s. Their love for each just clicked there and then and they have been together ever since.

They are both Anglican Protestant.

Chris was brought up in Barnsley, UK in the days when it was not easy for a young boy to be gay and when he was referred to as a fag or dirty homo. Being gay was regarded as a disease or a lifestyle choice, cartainly not something to be happy about. When he was in his young teens he met David who was in his class at school. Just as Chris and Rodney have clicked in the 2000s, Chris and David clicked then together fell in love. Unfortunately when they decided to tell their parents David's parents took the news so badly that he hanged himself. A devastating occurance that has shaped Chris's life ever since.

He was persuaded that loving someone of the same sex was just a passing phase so succumbing to the pressure of the times he got married and they had two children, both boys. Of course a gay straight marriage was heading for failure and when his wife left Chris dedicated his life to raising the young boys into young men.

In 2000, having retired, he decided to move to France to renovate an old wreck of a house. Now complete, but never to be finished. Chris has lived in Brittany every since.

Rodney was born in N Ireland and lived through the troubles. A time when it was certainly not wise to admit that he was gay and now in the 21st century it is still not easy for a gay man to live in N Ireland. The law on many things is different to the rest of the UK and many parts of the EU especially where same gender marriage is concerned.

After university he fled this discrimination and eventually found himself teaching English in France. He now works for a language school in Paris.

When Chris and Rodney are in Paris they worship at the American Cathedral which is very open and welcoming to members of the LGBT Community. When in Brittany - well to continue the story move to our next page entitled Christ Church in Brittany.